Two poster sessions (one on November 6th and one on November 7th, 20 posters per session) provide a forum for PhD students and postdocs to network and receive feedback on their work related to attention-learning interactions.
The Cognitive Science Society has generously offered a $250 prize for the best student presentation. The prize winner will also receive complimentary membership to the Cognitive Science Society for the next year.
Congratulations to the following student award winners:
Cognitive Science Society Best Student Presentation ($250 + CogSci membership)
- Megan deBettencourt (Princeton)
Domestic awards ($300 + free registration)
- Matthew Balcarras (York)
- Paulo Carvalho (Indiana)
International awards ($1000 + free registration)
- Kelly Garner (Queensland)
- Julia Foecker (Geneva)
Recognition of excellence awards ($200)
- Catarina Vales (Indiana)
- Sarah Kucker (Dallas)
- Barbara Pomiechowska (Birkbeck, University of London)
- Samantha Carouso (Cornell)
Poster Session 1: Wednesday, November 6, 2013
2 Daniel Messinger
University of Miami
Structure of early infant looking
3 Maggie Guy
University of Tennessee
Processing in 6 month olds
4 Nancy Shi
University of Toronto
Physical salience attentional capture and eye tracking
5 Vanessa Troiani
Temple University
Social reward value, visual experience
6 Adrien Baranes
Columbia University
Intrinsic Motivations and Learning in Constrained Environments
7 Christopher Erb
Brown University
Development of cognitive control with flanker task
8 Catarina Vales
University of Indiana
How do words guide attention, young children
9 Mariam Aly
Princeton University
Attentional states in medial temporal lobe memory system
10 Jordan Barnes
Simon Frasier University
A dynamic neural field theory of eye movements during a category learning task
11 Kelly Garner
University of Queensland
Distinct cognitive training benefits
12 Julia Foecker
University of Rochester/Geneva
Top down and stimulus driven networks/ video games
13 Sarah Kucker
University of Texas, Dallas
Novelty bias in language development
14 Rebecca Nako
Birkbeck College, University of London
The acquisition of attentional templates for target objects in visual search
15 Paulo Carvalho
University of Indiana
Building representations that can be used: How children sample information during relational thinking
16 Mathew Balcarras
York University
Reinforcement learning predicts value driven attentional selection in foraging task
17 Melissa Elston
Cornell University
Grounding parental responsiveness to sensory-motor dynamics in parent-child interactions
Poster Session 2: Thursday, November 7, 2013
19 Koeun Choi
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Attention comprehension and learning - eye-tracking
20 Vivian Ciaramitaro
University of Massachusetts Boston
Crossmodal Attention: Learning to Attend Across Sensory Modalities?
21 Mariann Oemisch
York University, Toronto
The anterior cingulate cortex participates in modulating and driving attentional control as revealed by functional connectivity in macaque prefrontal cortex cells
22 Caitlin Fausey
University of Indiana
The changing rhythms of life: Activity cycles in the first two years of everyday experience
23 Barbara Pomiechowska
Birkbeck College, University of London
During infancy conceptual information modulates perception and advances our understanding of how perceptual info interacts in the brain
24 Elena Tenenbaum
Brown University
Attention and word learning, in ASD, learning delayed and TD
25 Chi-hsin Chen
University of Indiana
When two processes compete- learning words and categories
26 Samantha Carouso
Cornell University
Development of juvenile female responsiveness to adult song in zebra finch
28 Zsuzusa Kaldy
University of Massachusetts Boston
Increased task-specific attentional focus in 2 year old toddlers with ASD
29 Brett Roads
University of Colorado, Boulder
Using Attentional Highlighting to Train Visual Expertise
30 Gina Mason
Cornell University
Relationship between infant visual attention and caregiver sensitivity
31 Karrie E. Godwin
Carnegie Mellon University
Classroom Design, Attention Allocation, & Learning in Kindergarten Students
32 Rebecca Gomez
University of Arizona
Infants prioritize regularity during incidental learning
33 Pedro Cardoso-Leite
University of Geneva
How technology use shapes attentional control
34 Megan de Bettencourt
Princeton University
Learning to sustain attention with real time fMRI neurofeedback
35 Maya Rosen
Boston University
Differential hemispheric asymmetries in posterior parietal cortex during long term memory guided attention and visually guided attention